Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lovable but Luckless Losers

I cannot tell you how excited I was for the Cubs to be in the playoffs. We all were. Bouncing off the walls, cheering our heads off when we heard those wondrous yet false confidence giving words, "CUBS CLINCH!" Going into their first playoff game on October 1st, the atmosphere was... crazy. There's no other word to describe the emotions running through every Cubs fan's head. And we started off well, too, scoring two runs in the second inning. Oh, Cubbies. Our hopes were high after that second inning. Bring us to the fifth inning when the Dodgers scored four, and it was all downhill from there. Final score : Cubs 2, Dodgers 7. Game one, bust. Ok, no big deal, just step it up next game, we can still come back. Positive thoughts through every fan's head. But game two brought us to disaster. Maybe it was nerves, or maybe not, but the second inning of that second game showed us our true fate as 2008 Cubs fans. Hey DeRosa, it happens to the best of us, I understand. Bad timing. And Derrek, the ball was right there the whole time, but no worries. I'm a first baseman too, and that has probably happened to me before. Five runs in for the Dodgers that inning, and all confidence was lost for that game too. So game two, bust. Need I say anything about the third game? Game three, *sigh.* The end of 2008 North Side baseball.
So... I'm pretty sure we're cursed. Yeah, I'll just blame the stupid billy goat who started this whole thing. It's his stupid fault we got into this stupid mess. But I gotta wonder; why lose all three playoff games right off the bat? Oh my gosh, that pun was not intended. I mean, they swept the Pirates three times, the White Sox, the Diamondbacks, the Rockies, the DODGERS, the list goes on. They were better known as the Lovable Winners, with the best record in the National League this season. They most definitely knew the Dodgers were beatable, so why didn't the Cubs win? Nerves of "OMG WORLD SERIES!"? Probably that was part of it. I don't think that, as Cubs fans, we will ever know. Break the curse, yeah sure. There is no curse, okay? It's all in our heads, that scapegoat billy goat. We don't want an excuse. We don't NEED an excuse; we have a great team, and when we fans say next year, we mean it 100%. We have learned to be forgiving, I think solely because of the nature of our Cubbies. Yes, it was a disappointing end to the season, but seriously, next year will be a whole different, better-ending story. I hope. You know what, no, I don't hope. I know.


dbaker said...

I definitely agree that we can't just go blaming our team's misfortune on some curse that a billy goat brought on. And next year is sure to be one for the record books after we managed to keep Rich Harden for the '09 season.

Grace Kim said...

I like the title of the post. The whole "L" list works well. Personally i believe that the Cubbies are blaming their inability to win on something greater. The Billy Goat curse can't be "changed" so people blame the curse. The matter is very simple, when push comes to shove the Cubbies are unable to preform and win. The Cubbies need to break down this mental brick wall and hopefully they will be able to do this next year.